Sódio em Small (1905)
When we speak of all this in cold blood, it seems to be a far-off and vague affair, with which we have the least possible concern. That, however, is the same mistake which we make [551] if we think we have no concern with what the chemist calls “sodium chloride.” When we find out that it is merely the salt that we want to use every day, we discover that it is our concern. In the same way we may be indifferent to the subject of “hydrous oxide,” but if it is presented to us as drinking-water, we may see the wisdom of knowing something about it. So the “social process” is not an affair that exists outside of our circle of interests. Our whole life — from our eating and sleeping, to our thinking, and trading, and teaching, and playing, and praying, and dying — is a part of the social process. In us the process has its lodgment. In the process we live and move and have our being. Instead of not being concerned with it, nothing else is our concern, so far as we are citizens of the world. We do not know our personal concerns until we see through and through the social process. (Small 1905:550-1)
SMALL, Albion. 1905. General Sociology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.