Hidrogênio e oxigênio em White (1949)
But in the temporal-spatial process both temporal and spatial relationships are simultaneously significant. And it is not a case of time and space—”up from the South at break of day . . . and Sheridan twenty miles away.” The conventional historian wishes to know not only that Napoleon fought battles, but where he fought them. The zoologist and the ethnologist are interested in the distribution of species and culture traits as well as their history. These are examples of a simultaneous interest in both temporal and spatial relationships. But they are not examples of temporal-spatial relationships. Hydrogen + oxygen = hydrogen + oxygen; t + s = t + s. But hydrogen x oxygen = water (H2O); t x s = ts. The temporal-spatial process is not, then, equivalent to a space [11] and time organization of phenomena; it is not the sum of these factors but their product. (White 1949:10-1)
WHITE, Leslie. 1949. The science of culture: a study of man and civilization. New York: Grove Press.