Cálcio em Buckminster-Fuller (1997 [1975])
(1052.641 Vitamin D from Sunlight is essential to humans because calcium is essential to the human bone structure. Humans synthesize vitamin D through the action of the Sun’s ultraviolet rays on the skin. This biochemical function is a zoological counterpart of botanical photosynthesis. But vitamin D is one of those vitamins of which humans can have an overdose. In warmer climes, where vitamin D from the Sun is adequate or excessive, humans’ subconsciously functioning organisms employ their chemical process options to develop Sunlight filters in the skin consisting of darker and darker pigments that prevent excessive absorption of radiation and avoid the overdose of vitamin D. Where there is not much Sunlight, as in the far north, human organisms had to progressively remove their pigment filters, which left only light skin that permitted maximum synthesis of vitamin D from the Sun. But dark skin was the norm. The skin pigmentation effect on human organisms is a generalized phenomenon like that of diet, wherein undernourishment alone can account for mental dullness in otherwise healthy humans. Physiognomic and physiological differentiations in humans result solely from generations of unplanned inbreeding of those types that survive most successfully under unique environmental conditions within which tribes or nations dwelt for protracted periods. Thus there is scientific evidence that there is no organic class or species differentiations of humanity. This thesis is further elaborated in my essay No Race No Class. Communication is ultimately independent of culture or race or class.) (Buckminster-Fuller 1997 [1975]:1340)
BUCKMINSTER-FULLER, Richard. 1997 [1975]. Synergetics: exploration in the geometry of thinking. New York: Macmillan Publishing/Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller.