Grupos e redes (Hechter e Horne 2003)

HECHTER, Michael; HORNE, Christine. 2003. Groups and networks. In: M. Hechter; C. Horne (Eds.). Theories of social order: a reader. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp.283-90. REGULATION & COOPERATION: [U]nregulated interaction does not necessarily lead to increased cooperation. (Hechter; Horne 2003:283) WELLFARE STATE as EMPIRICAL CRITIQUE of the INVISIBLE HAND THEORY: Indeed, the fact that all advanced capitalist countries today have […]

Espaço social, distância social e posição social (Sorokin 1998 [1959])

SOROKIN, Pitirim A. 1998. Social space, social distance, and social position. In: On the practice of Sociology. Barry V. Johnston (ed.). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 206-12. [1959] SOCIAL SPACE SCHOLARSHIP: As far as I know, after Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, Leibniz, E. Weigel, and other great thinkers of the seventeenth century [Spektorsky, The problem of social physics in […]

A pasteurização da França (Latour 1988 [1984])

LATOUR, Bruno. 1988. The Pasteurization of France. (Trads. Alan Sheridan; John Law). Cambridge: Harvard University Press. [1984] PÓS-SOCIAL: The exact sciences elude social analysis not because they are distant or separated from society, but because they revolutionize the very conception of society and of what it comprises. (Latour 1988:38) I do not talk of “society,” because the associations that concern […]

Os poderes da associação (Latour 1986)

LATOUR, Bruno. 1986. The powers of association. In: John Law (ed.). Power, action and belief: a new Sociology of Knowledge? London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, pp.264-80. POWER RESULTS FROM ACTION It appears that power is not something one can possess – indeed it must be treated as a consequence rather than as a cause of action. (Latour 1986:264) PARADOXOS (ter-poder-potencial-teoria […]

Desparafusando o grande Leviatã (Callon e Latour 1981)

CALLON, Michel; LATOUR, Bruno. 1981. Unscrewing the big Leviathan: how actors macro-structure reality and how sociologists help them to do so. In: K. Knorr-Cetina; A.V. Cicourel (eds.). Advances in social theory and methodology: toward and integration of micro- and macro-Sociologies. Boston: Routledge; Kegan Paul, pp.277-303. HOBBES’S PARADOX: For Hobbes – and for us too – it is not a question […]

Redefinindo o vínculo social (Strum e Latour 1987)

STRUM, Shirley S.; LATOUR, Bruno. 1987. Redefining the social link: from baboons to humans. Social Science Information 26(4):783-802. :::::::::: REDEFINING THE NOTION OF SOCIAL :. OSTENSIVE vs. PERFORMATIVE: In the last two decades this ostensive definition of society has been challenged by ethnomethodology (Garfinkel, 1967) and by the sociology of science (Knorr and Mulkay, 1983), especially of the social sciences […]

Mediação técnica (Latour 1994)

LATOUR, Bruno. 1994. On technical mediation: Philosophy, Sociology, Genealogy. Common Knowledge 3(2):29-64. DAEDALION & TECHNOLOGY (desvio, estratégia, mediação e evolução-civilização): No unmediated action is possible once we enter the realm of engineers and craftsmen. A daedalion, in Greek, is something curved, veering from the straight line, artful but fake, beautiful and contrived. […] Daedalus is our best eponym for technique […]

Uma vida por nascer (Combes 2002)

COMBES, Muriel. 2002. Une vie à naître. In: Pascal Chabot (coord). Simondon. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, pp.31-51. DEFINIÇÃO DE SUJEITO Pour le dire de manière raccourcie, ce que Simondon nomme sujet, c’est l’individu vivant en tant qu’associé à une réalité préindividuelle capable de provoquer sa participation à l’individuation d’un collectif. (Combes 2002:31) VISÃO e DISPARAÇÃO (resolução sem simplificação) [L]e […]

O que é a Sociologia? (Fernandes 1959)

FERNANDES, Florestan. 1974. O que é a Sociologia? In: Elementos de sociologia teórica. São Paulo: Editora Nacional, pp.19-32. [1959] ORDEM SOCIAL: [A] ordem social, inerente às diversas modalidades de manifestação organizada da vida, oferece o ponto de referência através do qual os fenômenos socials devem ser descritos sociologicamente. (Fernandes 1974:21) SOCIEDADE e NATUREZA: [O]s organismos vivem em condições que convertem […]

Ciência moderna (Merleau-Ponty 1957)

MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice. 2000. A ciência moderna e a idéia de natureza. In: A Natureza: curso do Collège de France. (trad. Álvaro Cabral) São Paulo: Martins Fontes, pp.131-81. [1956-60] FINALISMO (o natural artificial), MECANICISMO (o artificial natural) e FILOSOFIA (o artificial frente ao natural): O pensamento finalista tem necessidade do mecanicismo para rechaçar a hipervitalidade. Do mesmo modo, o mecanicismo, que […]