Talvez a solução seja buscar não-humanos
Durkheim may be right, but so is Harold Garfinkel. Perhaps the solution, in keeping with the generative principle of my genealogy, is to look for nonhumans. (This explicit principle is : look for nonhumans when the emergence of a social feature is inexplicable; look to the state of social relations when a new and inexplicable type of object enters the collective.) What Durkheim mistook for the effect of a sui generis social order is simply the effect of having brought so many techniques to bear on our social relations. It was from techniques, that is, the ability to nest several subprograms, that we learned what it means to subsist and expand, to accept a role and discharge a function. By reimporting this competence into the definition of society, we taught ourselves to reify it, to make society stand independent of fast-moving interactions. We even learned how to delegate to society the task of relegating us to roles and functions. Society exists, in other words, but is not socially constructed. Nonhumans proliferate below the bottom line of social theory. (Latour 1999:209)
LATOUR, Bruno. 1999. Pandora’s hope: essays on the reality of science studies. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.