Vida eletrônica selon danah boyd (2012)
boyd, danna. 2012. Participating in the always-on lifestyle. In: Michael Mandiberg. (ed.). The social media reader. New York: New York University Press, pp.71-6.
I mean, what counts as online? (boyd 2012:71)
I’m not really online, in that my activities are not centered on the digital bits of the Internet, but I’m not really offline either. I’m where those concepts break down. It’s no longer about on or off really. It’s about living in a world where being networked to people and information wherever and whenever you need it is just assumed. I may not be always-on the Internet as we think of it colloquially, but I am always connected to the network. And that’s what it means to be always-on. (boyd 2012:71-2)
Being always-on works best when the people around you are always-on (boyd 2012:72)
INFORMAÇÃO PRIMEIRA (para além de emissor-receptor)
Being always-on is not just about consumption and production of content but also about creating an ecosystem in which people can stay peripherally connected to one another through a variety of microdata. It’s about creating networks and layering information on top. The goal of being connected is not simply to exchange high-signal content all the time. We also want all of the squishy, gooey content that keeps us connected as people. (boyd 2012:73)
The technology doesn’t matter. It’s all about the people and information. Humans are both curious and social critters. We want to understand and interact. Technology introduces new possibilities for doing so, and that’s where the passion comes in. We’re passionate about technology because we’re passionate about people and information, and they go hand in hand. And once you’re living in an always-on environment, you really notice what’s missing when you’re not. (boyd 2012:73)
Sure, I can look up who is buried in the Pantheon later. But the reason that I want to know when I’m standing before it in Italy is because I want to know about the object in front of me whose signs are all in Italian. I want to translate those signs, ask questions about the architecture. And it’s 4 a.m., and the guard tells me it’s not his job to provide history lessons. What I want is to bring people and information into context. It’s about enhancing the experience. (boyd 2012:73)
There’s more news than I can possibly read on any given day. (boyd 2012:73)
I take digital sabbaticals. (boyd 2012:74)
While many old-skool cyberpunks wanted to live in a virtual reality, always-on folks are more interested in an augmented reality. We want to be a part of the network. (boyd 2012:74)
He found that such a mediator allowed him to negotiate social boundaries with friends in new ways. Technology doesn’t simply break social conventions—it introduces new possibilities for them. (boyd 2012:75)
Those of us who are living this way can be more connected to those whom we love and move in sync with those who share our interests. The key to this lifestyle is finding a balance, a rhythm that moves us in ways that make us feel whole without ripping our sanity to shreds. I’ve lived my entire adult life in a world of networked information and social media. At times, I’m completely overwhelmed, but when I hit my stride, I feel like an ethereal dancer, energized by the connections and ideas that float by. And there’s nothing like being connected and balanced to make me feel alive and in love with the world at large. (boyd 2012:75)